Koristimo kolačiće kako bi Vam pružili bolje korisničko iskustvo. U skladu s novim smjernicama privatnosti, moramo Vas upitati za pristanak prilikom korištenja kolačića. Naučite više.
Veresika Outing Spot
We protected and arranged the fresh water spring, in order to make it available to all visitors of the “Veresika” Outing Spot. The Outing Spot now has a fresh-water canal regulated via a fountain with info boards.

Environmental Protection of Drina River Stream
The project was directed toward improvement and protection of environment surrounding the Drina river stream through sports and recreational activities that will strengthen the awareness of the population, especially youth, regarding the significance of preserving and protecting the environment around the Drina river stream. We cleaned and mechanically extended the beach, and introduced benches and beach inventory.
University of Zenica, Faculty of Philosophy
Landscaping and arranging the area in front of the Faculty comprised of setting up benches, planting flowers and painting the fence with eco-friendly colors. The Faculty has approximately 600 students that are also users of this area, so the project is beneficial not only for students that are currently enrolled in studies, but also for all future generations.


Outing Spot above Olovo
In order to insure quality leisure time for all age groups, we performed landscaping at an outing spot above Olovo. This rock is an Olovo lookout that features the most beautiful panorama of the city of Olovo. We arranged a promenade, and built and set up gazebos with motivational messages.
Regional School in Misoča (part of the Stari Ilijaš Elementary School)
We financed the development of an Eco Classroom in which the students now have the possibility to hold a part of their classes outside the standard school premises. The project included slab casting, building a public fountain, placing benches and tables for the interior of the Eco Classroom, making the doors and windows, placing coverage and a writing board, and connecting lighting from the school.

Public Institution Bugojno General Hospital
We performed landscaping of a green area by planting flowers and shrubbery, placed chairs, garbage bins and a fountain. The project aimed to result in long term benefits for inpatients and, of course, all users of primary and secondary health services provided at Bugojno Health Center and Bugojno Hospital.