Koristimo kolačiće kako bi Vam pružili bolje korisničko iskustvo. U skladu s novim smjernicama privatnosti, moramo Vas upitati za pristanak prilikom korištenja kolačića. Naučite više.
The strength of our company’s success is measured through customer satisfaction. We are continuously developing a positive business climate, taking into consideration specific differences between individuals. There are many examples of the great deal of trust our management has placed in young and capable individuals, thereby contradicting the popular opinion that success is achievable only outside our country. Today, these young people take part in strategic decision making and key negotiations, exceeding everyone’s expectations.

Eldina Karajčić, Process Manager
After returning from pregnancy leave, Eldina was offered a new and better opportunity. To find out more about her start and ongoing journey with Alma Ras, read below.
She initially applied for the position of quality manager, but she had insufficient experience for this position. Still, thanks to her education, she was offered an opportunity to work as the head of quality. She says that her job is exceptionally dynamic, because it requires maximum focus, since the smallest mistake, i.e. omission upon performing the control may cause great damage to the company, in form of customer reclamations. The work requires diligence and dedication and clear feedback from customers in the segment of quality.
As a highly educated person, she wanted more from her job and often wondered whether this particular work was meant for her and whether she would perform it successfully. As stated, she says that everything is easier when you have the support of your supervisors and team. Her senior colleagues shared their knowledge with her.
Eldina worked as the head of quality until November 1, 2020, when she took pregnancy leave. Upon her return, she was offered to try and work as the process manager, which she gladly accepted.

Arnes Džanan, Shift Manager
“In addition to excellent conditions, from using annual leaves, honouring holidays and the rights of workers in general, Alma Ras is an ideal employer for business progress. The company provides ample space for everyone. All this keeps me fulfilled and loyal to this company”, says Arnes.
Prompted by his wife, who is a long-term employee of the company Alma Ras, in 2017 he applied for the position of a tailor in the tailoring sector. Arnes had to be trained in all technological processes for this position, including the loading, depositing and tailoring. He worked in tailoring for three years as a cutter operator. Thanks to his work, attitude and ambition, he simultaneously managed the function of a group manager and reported to the shift manager. In the beginning of 2022, with four other individuals, he was invited to attend an interview for the position of a shift manager, and was offered the position thanks to his qualities. He is currently satisfied with this position, grateful for the opportunity and ready to take on new challenges. During our conversation with Arnes, it was clear that he was full of enthusiasm, interested in progress, and his work experience enables him to take on any function in the tailoring plant.
He holds the title of employee of the year, which he was awarded with a commendation and reward of the management.

Edisa Mujezinović, from a Salesperson to a Retail Boutique Coordinator
Edisa’s story is very interesting, because she says that this was her dream which she never dared to think would come true one day.
As someone with a lot of experience in the position of a salesperson, she applied in 2018 for the public call announced by the company Alma Ras. She says that she did not expect much from her first interview, because she believed that it took much more for employment – from experience to recommendation. After the second call, she took things much more seriously and prepared for the interview. She says that she was tasked to sell an undershirt to the person sitting opposite of her in under one minute. She smiles and says she managed to conclude the sale and soon started working at the new branch office of Alma Ras, in Ilidža.
Edisa demonstrated her love for fashion from the first day, and she stood out due to her affinity for displaying the articles, which her supervisor noticed. She was soon tasked with her first challenge to present a collection upon the reopening of the branch office in Dobrinja, and afterwards, she featured her skills in all newly opened and reopened boutiques. Since 2021, the sales manager had been gradually introducing her to the world of numbers and in early 2022, Edisa was officially promoted to the position of a retail boutique coordinator. Now Edisa, in addition to visual improvements and merchandising, also performs office-related tasks.
“I still cannot believe that a company would provide these types of opportunities. I am honored to be a part of such a team of people with long term experience, and that I was provided an opportunity to learn from them”, stated Edisa.

Dino Bučuk, Line Planner
Dino says he never saw himself working in the textile industry, and he never believed that it was possible to make progress over a short time period.
He applied for a public call, at his mom’s initiative, because she has been a part of this family for a longer period of time and she highly praised Alma Ras. He was initially employed at the tailoring sector where he passed the training for manual loading, depositing and pad print, and has afterwards worked independently since his promotion.
After a certain period of time, a new position became available, i.e. the line planner, but he was hesitant to apply, thinking that he lacked experience and that it was impossible to make progress over such a short period of time. Prompted by his immediate supervisor, who recognized Dino’s key qualities, he applied and got the promotion.
The colleagues say that he is proactive and always ready to take on responsibility.

Selma Čelebić, from a Seamstress to a Final Controller
“By working in quality as the Final Controller I take part in customer experience and thereby protect the interests of the company”, says Selma proudly.
After applying for the position of a seamstress, this young lady was invited to an interview and she was employed only after a couple of months from the date of delivering her biography in 2018. During her work as a seamstress, she had the opportunity to replace her colleague in the position of the final controller. She managed to prove herself in this position as a responsible employee, systematic and organized person, and her qualities are highly significant for this position. Immediately afterwards, Selma took over the position of the final controller.
“I love my job and believe that I will be provided with additional opportunities for further improvement and progress”, says Selma proudly.

Irfan Kljajić, from a Referent to a Program Manager
After graduating from the Faculty of Economics, Irfan applied to the employment bureau. The company owner in 2005 invited him for an interview and offered him an opportunity to work in the position of a referent for import-export.
In addition to his tasks, he also assisted the company owner in communicating with foreign customers in the section of organization, communications and delivery. Having proven himself as a responsible and hard-working employee, he was offered to work as a production assistant, and he remained in this role until 2014.
The same year that the company was restructured, he had the opportunity to try working in the position of the Line Planner for the Comprom Plus Program. Taking into consideration the fact that his long-term knowledge of the production process, procedure, logistics and production planning might improve the program, in 2021 he applied to the internal call for the program manager under the Comprom Plus and Hugo Boss Program.
Thanks to his engagement and his operation team, this sector experienced an expansion, i.e. a constant trend of growth in realization, quality improvement and regular delivery to the customers. This resulted in increase of the capacity for Comprom Plus in Alma Ras i.e. signing a new contract for the 2022/2023 season.

Alma Zaimović, from a Packer, to a Seamstress and Interphase Controller to a Group Manager
“My parents tried to talk me down from this, and now they are proud of me” – started her story our colleague Alma Zaimović.
This young woman in 2018 started to build her professional career in the position of a packer. At that time the company packed its products manually, unlike now, when the process is partly managed by machines. “I had never thought about getting involved in production, but immediate supervisors recognized by potential and in 2020 provided me with the opportunity to try working in the position of interphase controller.” This was preceded by training for machines, in order to acquaint the employee better with the sewing process, i.e. production.
“O proizvodnji nisam razmišljala uopšte, ali su neposredni rukovodioci prepoznali moje mogućnosti i 2020. godine pružili priliku da se okušam na poziciji međufazne kontrole”.
Upon spontaneous replacement during the leave of the then group manager, Alma managed to increase the multi-employee group productivity from 95.5% to 102.3%, and it was logical to keep her as the group manager. Alma continues to realize excellent results and proudly emphasizes that she will carry on her great work.